Frequently   Asked   Questions

About Project DESTINY

What's this?

Project DESTINY serves as a centralized directory for checking the uptime of websites and student portals of various educational institutions, offering a convenient and single point of access for users across Davao City. Its main goal is to provide a centralized directory for educators and students to check if their school's website is up.

DESTINY stands for

How does the website tracker work?

The website tracker uses a CORS proxy to verify the functionality of school websites. This proxy acts like a messenger, checking if the websites are open. If the response is positive, it means the website is working. However, if there's a problem , the website is experiencing issues. Essentially, the CORS proxy functions as an efficient assistant, promptly notifying users about the accessibility of their school's online resources.

Which schools in Davao City are included in the tracker?

As of September 16, 2024 The following schools included in the tracker are the following

    Can I rely on the information provided by the tracker?

    Absolutely. The website tracker not only monitors the uptime of various student portals and school websites but also provides direct links to each website. This feature allows users to double-check the information by visiting the websites themselves. The transparency in offering direct links enhances the reliability of the tracker, enabling users to independently verify the status of their school's online platforms and ensuring accurate and up-to-date information.

    Is the website tracker accessible on mobile devices?

    Yes, the website tracker is accessible on mobile devices. However, ongoing improvements are in progress to enhance user experience further. The development efforts include making the website a Progressive Web App (PWA) and optimizing it to be more mobile-friendly. These enhancements aim to provide users with a seamless and responsive experience while accessing the tracker on various mobile devices, ensuring ease of use and accessibility on the go.

    How can I report issues or inaccuracies with the uptime data?

    You may fill up this Google form or you may submit a GitHub issue here

    Is the service free to use?


    Can I get notifications for downtime events?

    Not yet, but the feature is being considered for future development. Stay tuned for updates on potential notification capabilities.

    How can I support or contribute to the uptime tracker?

    See GitHub Repository

    Are there any privacy concerns with using the uptime tracker?

    There are no privacy concerns associated with using this uptime tracker.

    It's important to note that all logos and school seals displayed on the tracker belong to their respective schools, and the tracker respects and acknowledges their ownership.
